Sunday, July 24, 2011

Are You Living In A House Of Pain?

"Declare Your Independence From Pain"

What can you do to decrease your pain?

Pain signals that something is wrong within the body. Acute pain is caused by an immediate trauma and acts as a warning signal. Chronic pain, on the other hand, is pain that lasts more than six months and interferes with your daily activities.

Some dietary and lifestyle modifications include:
RICE--Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
Diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods especially magnesium and calcium foods
Avoid food allergens
Nutrient/Supplements include: Calcium & Magnesium, Specific Analgesic Herbs, Glucosamine and MSM, Vitamin C, Proteolytic Enzymes, etc..
Some Alternative Therapies include: Chiropractic adjustments, Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Stretching, Ointments, Massage, Guided Imagery and Cold Low Level Laser.

To learn more details about the above management for pain, go to

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Men's Health and Aging Male Syndrome

What is Aging Male Syndrome? This syndrome that occurs to men between the approximate ages of 35 and 65 is a collection of symptoms that occur due to a decline in production of testosterone in a man's body. Low testosterone levels in males are often associated with symptoms of aging and are referred to as andropause or male menopause.

Testerone is an important hormone in men, as it plays important roles in maintaining both physical and mental health. The decline of testosterone is normal in healthy males as they age. However, when hormone levels drop, some common symptoms include:

increased weight, trouble sleeping,decreased sex drive, memory issues, irritability, decreased motivation, self confidence, energy and muscle mass, depression, increased urination and hair loss.

Lowered testosterone is associated with an increase in inflammation and C-Reactive Protein which is a risk factor in cardiovascular events, etc.

The aromatase enzyme is responsible for the conversion of androgens to estrogens. An increased exposure to estrogens from many sources can lesser the amount of testosterone in the body leading to estrogen dominance.

What can you do?

A healthy diet, stress management and an active lifestyle are of utmost importance, along with acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments and specific nutritional supplements.

Tests to consider include: Complete Blood Analysis and a Salivary Hormone Test which tests 4 Cortisols, DHEA, Progestersone, Testosterone and Estrogen.

To learn more details and get specific dietary and supplements needed, go to our website:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Are You Doing To Reduce Arthritis Pain?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that primarily affects the large, weight bearing joints and the joints in the hands. It is a slow, progressive cartilage deterioration followed by "hardening of the joints" due to calcification and bone spur formation. The "joint cushion" deteriorates, which leads to pain and limited movement of the joint.

Signs and symptoms include:

Joint stiffness, pain worse after use, stiffness after rest, creaking joints, swelling, decreased motion and pain with changes in the weather.

To obtain more information on a variety of therapies to consider go to:
and click on "Articles".

Sunday, April 3, 2011

How To Keep You and Your Family Safe in an Unsafe World of Chemicals

One of the major problems with toxins is that you cannot see, taste, smell or feel them. We do not realize we are being affected until we come down with a chronic illness after years of subtle and repetitive exposure. Toxins are 1 of the 6 Interferences to Wellness along with structural integrity, nutrition, allergies, electromagnetic interference and negative emotional patterns. A study published in the British Medical Journal estimated that 75% of most cancers are caused by environmental toxins and lifestyle factors which are stored in fatty tissues. Some of the effects of these toxins include: Neurologicial disorders, Cancer, Nutritional Deficiences, Hormone Imbalances--infertility, premature puberty, PMS, Menopausal symptoms, Enzyme dysfunction, Fatigue, Headaches, Obesity, Muscle and Vision problems, Immune System Issues, Allergies, Asthma, Chemical Sensitivities, Chronic Viral Infections, etc... WHAT CAN YOU DO TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH? In summary: eat organci produce and free-range organic foods as often as possible, avoid all processed foods,avoid all artificial food additives, remove "silver" dental fillings by a biological dentist and use natural cleaning products in your home and natural organic toiletries on your body. The process of detoxification may require a multi-faceted approach by identifying the toxic substances using blood and/or hair analysis along with nutritional testing. 1. Balanced nutritional support is not only essential but it is vital to support the body as it detoxifies. "When you visit our wellness center, we will assess your speciif nutrient needs that may also include support for the male/female hormone system, immune support and organ support". 2. Nutritional detoxification utilizes supplements designed to facilitate the toxic process. SPRING CLEANING FROM THE INSIDE OUT!!!! Improve your energy, decrease weight, improve your digestion, release toxic storage with our "3 WEEK DETOXIFICATION CLEANSE". RECEIVE 10% OFF OF ALL THE SUPPLEMENTS FOR YOUR DETOX CLEANSE DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL!!!! 3. The Energy Detox Cellular Cleanse is a powerful method of detoxification. A series of 10-12 treatments may be needed to balance the body's systems and pull toxins directly from the body. These treatments may be complimented with the Cold Low Level Laser to further enhance the detoxification process. To receive more information about our "Detoxification Cleanse" and "Detox Cellular Cleanse Specials this month, call our office at: 949-380-7215 or e-mail us at: For more detailed information about detoxification check out our website: and go to articles and Free Resources. *DID YOU KNOW WE NOW HAVE A FANPAGE? Go to: and click the "like" button and become a fan! *DID YOU KNOW DR IRIS IS A BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE BOOK: "ALIGN, EXPAND AND SUCCEED"? *****During the Month of April we will be donating $10 for every book purchased to the Red Cross for the Japanese Relief Fund!!!!!****

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Green Is Not Only For St Patrick's Day

Are you interested in losing weight or just staying in shape?
Green vegetables are filling, extremely nutritious and very low in calories. In the amounts commonly consumed, green leafy vegetables provide an abundance of roughage which is an important component of a healthful diet.

Green vegetables contain significantly more fiber than whole grains.
The average American consumes 15 grams of fiber/day, although the recommended amount is about 25-30 grams/day. Diets low in fiber may underlie: constipation, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, diverticulitis, hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux. Fiber is thought to help prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Promoting good health includes the necessity to eat potassium-rich foods which are vegetables and fruits primarily, as well as animal protein and potatoes. Research recommends 7,000-11,000 mg of potassium/day which should come from your diet. However, the average American consumes about 2,500 mg/day. Diets low in potassium include diseases as high blood pressure, strokes, osteoporosis, GI tract cancers, asthma and insomnia.

In addition to containing high levels of fiber and potassium, green vegetables also contain an abundance of phytochemicals(bioflavenoids and carotenoids) which are known to offer a number of disease-fighting benefits.

Our supplements provide a powerful combination of protein, anti-oxidants, greens and organic sprouts. They support energy, protein balance, detoxification, inflammation, weight, cholesterol levels, a strong immune system, intestinal homeostasis/bowel function, cell repair, and overall good health!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Gift of Health in Honor of Heart Month thru Feb 28th


Give your Loved One the Gift of Health!

Who do you know that is suffering from pain...Headaches-Neck Pain-Low Back Pain or other health problems caused by imbalances in the body due to stress or injury?

Chiropractic can help!

Rosenfeld Chiropractic Wellness Center is committed to giving 25 complimentary exams during the month of February.

Just give your friend, loved one or sweetheart our number (380-7215) and we will arrange for their FREE GIFT. ($125.00 value)

Authorized by: CUPID
Applicable for New Patients only thru Feb 28th!!!

Dr Iris Rosenfeld
25255 Cabot Rd Ste 110
Laguna Hills, Ca 92653
(949) 380-7215

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Keys To A Heart Healthy Lifestyle



Key Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Changes Include:

Keeping it simple. Think about 3 main principles-diet, exercise and stress management-as you go through each day and stay committed to realistic goals.

1. Eating Right.
2. Exercising 30 Minutes each day.
3. Managing stress levels.
4. Knowing and controlling Blood Pressure and Cholesterol levels.
5. No smoking.
6. Supplementation considerations.

In some cases, prescription drugs may also be required to get cholesterol into the safe range. However, studies suggest 90% of individuals with high cholesterol can reduce it into the ideal range using nutrition, lifestyle and supplementation practices.